Monday, March 7, 2016

March 7, 2016

Hello Everyone! From Hong Kong! (Week 2) #Miracles!

Hello everyone, how is everything going? It's been wonderful here in Hong Kong, and the work is pretty hard but I know that with the work I've been putting in we will help other people come unto Christ. It's funny, because we read the powers of heaven every day, a small little step thing of what we should do every day. One of them is "Work. Pray as if everything depends on the Lord, and work as if everything depends on yourself." Man, does that apply to missionary work, but it also applies to life. It's an awesome thing to keep in mind, and I encourage and invite you all to do the same thing. Consider the scripture D&C 6:36. It's helped me!!

So many adventures in Hong Kong that I'm so excited to talk about, but the week's gone so quickly that it's hard to remember everything!

Yesterday we got Norton to come to church. That was AWESOME! He wasn't really our investigator at the time but he was coming to our service at Ying maahn baan, which is English class. He told us he wants to know more and asked us if it would be all right if he could come to church. Chyuhngaausih LOVE that. "Can I come to church?" Uhhh, yes you can. (Chyuhngaausih = missionaries) Especially because that is literally the hardest commitment in Hong Kong. Nobody has time, and most people are unhappy because they never have any time. But Norton came to Sacrament and Gospel Principles.

Funny story of yesterday: So we were sitting in Gospel Principles class and the teacher had decided he needed to teach eternal families, and eternal marriage. We are all sitting there, it's Me, Elder Merrell, Elder Wilcoxson, and Elder Chu. We are all sitting there, we have Leih hing daai (Who is married, the only person who this actually applies to right now), Yoshi (been dating Yoyo for 12 years, not married), Yoyo (been dating Yoshi for 12 years, not married) and Norton (Never been married, 56.). Halfway through the lesson, Elder Merrell wrote me a note, "Yoshi and Yoyo have been dating for 12 years. We're missionaries. Norton's 56 and hasn't been married. Awkward lesson." It was so true and so funny! I was laughing pretty hard on that one.

On Saturday we were proselyting when we sat down to talk to a man who was Buddhist. We were talking back and forth about religion and he told us he was so happy we were in Hong Kong because the people needed religion here, but he informed us that we would not find any success and he wondered why we had chosen to serve here. Nothing came of that meeting but as he was talking he looked out over the bay (this was on the pier) and we all watched this dude wake boarding and totally biffed it. He busted out into laughter, Elder Merrell busted out into laughter, and I couldn't help but laugh super hard.

We got to meet with a girl named Lily, she's about 40 gei (forty something) and she wanted to meet with us because we are hou leng gwai louh (good looking foreigners, but not in the weird way. Just like calling a friend good looking.) and she wants her son to be more like us. We taught the restoration and that was great, so Gau yahn gaai waahk is next (Plan of Salvation) and that's looking good. We are hoping they will come to the truth.

Thanks for always taking the time to read about me and know about me, I appreciate everyone, and I feel your prayers and support.

With Love,
Elder Farr

(A few other notes from the mom...)

There's this little girl named Anna in our ward who is about four years old, surnamed Yuh. Her, Yuh Ji muih is so funny and she has us over every Tuesday for dinner. Anna is like the biggest fireball I've ever met, just so crazy full of energy. She took my ring and was rolling it around on a pencil and kept talking about how pretty her horse is, "Ngoh ge ma hou leng gama!!" at the top of her lungs (My horse is so pretty! DUH!!) !! And when her mom told her to pick up the couch, she told her it was so "Maahn Faahn" (Annoying, or inefficient). Man, that got a good laugh out of us. Yesterday during fast and testimony meeting, Yuh Ji muih was bearing her testimony when Anna walked right up and started yelling at her, "Moooooom. Mooooooooom. Mooooooooooooooooom!" So funny! I also got to help them fix their product key on their computer, so yeah my PC skills already came in use.

Also Elder Love and I (the guy from Beyond 5, we go on exchanges because our companions are the zone leaders) walked into a shantytown the other day and I laughed so hard because we met this old lady with like 2 real teeth and 3 gold ones. She couldn't understand a word we were saying and we asked her if she needed help and she was like, "Naw. Walk that way." I'm pretty sure she was crazy.

I'm SO happy. I can't explain it because it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. But I'm the happiest I've ever been I think, and although I miss all of you and League of Legends (which is HUGE here, gonna teach some LoL players) and my brothers and spending time with them it's so worth it to be out here serving the Lord.

Oh my goodness, the food here is amazing. Everything I've eaten has been awesome, except for this dish Sister Yuh gave us, it's like a spicy tofu Korean thing and it was so weird. I pretended it was good so I could get Elder Merrell to eat it, and he did, he did not appreciate that. Yuh ji muih knew Missionaries wouldn't like it because we are gwai lou. She just wanted to see our faces.

The ward members are the nicest people I've ever met. Treating us out all of the time, learning about us, taking time to learn our names, taking time to know us as people, it's been so nice. I love all the people here. A lot of people are really nice here and listen to us and let us give them a flyer but aren't really interested. A lot of mainlanders want to bash our church because they believe in Buddhism. Which is okay, it's kind of funny. We had an experience with some guy who wanted to know when God had felt pain, because if He hadn't, then he didn't know Joy. We explained that it was deep doctrine but God was once like us, and we will someday be like God. He was mad we had an answer to his question. He wanted to shut us down. So he left. Love that guy! XD

Also, sorry about no pictures, I forgot my camera. Next week will be full of pictures! :)

So no pictures this week, but here is the video of transfers if you didn't get to see it on Facebook!

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