Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016

Hey everyone! #Activities!

Hey everyone! It's so good to send out another email this week! I'm not sure who really reads this anymore but I'm gonna keep sending them like the entire world reads them ;)

This week has been a fantastic week, the work has been going hard but good, and I'm so happy that I'm here in Hong Kong. The food's amazing, the people are DEFINITELY amazing, and everything is just great!

Throughout the week we've been able to meet 5 new people and have 5 new investigators (Seriously, that's a miracle it seems, considering we had one new investigator last week and he already dropped us) and we were able to teach some of them twice this week. We are so happy to have all of these investigators and I am so blessed to love these people, and feel a bit of what the Lord feels for them, even if it's just a tiny portion!

On Thursday, Yoshi took us out to this awesome Taiwan based restaurant. That was delicious, it was a bunch of kinds of soups and fried chicken (which is kinda expensive here) and that was super good. Then for dessert we had some toast with a LOT of ice cream on top, and of course out of rocky road and mango, I chose mango. ;)

Yoshi has been a power house for us so we have prayed for him a lot, he's super cool and he has basically a photographic memory. He learned my birthday like 2 weeks ago and this time he was like, "Oh yeah, around Elder Farr's birthday, whatever P-day is closest to May 1st, I'll take you all out to a full buffet on the Island." So yeah. That's no good. ;)

Then that morning I was really craving sweet stuff, so I bought a bag of cookie dough on P-day and made it. Then I used some of it and made myself a peanut butter and honey and cookie dough sandwich. If you're wondering, yes it was fattening. Did I love it? Yep! ;)

Some funny things I've learned in Hong Kong -
They have sort of a slang thing here, which translates to literally "Wat gei" or "bend the machine". It's basically just being over powered. So in League, Fizz is Wat gei, but not only video games are wat gei, you can be wat gei in sports and stuff too. You can also wat someone's gei, which means you'd like wipe the floor with them. That's the best vocab I've ever learned :) Haha, jk jk, but stilli t was fantastic.

We had an awesome activity on Saturday with the kids in the ward where we took missionary flyers and taped them to KitKats and then had them take them all out and hand them out. Initially, the kids were really afraid (Like all new missionaries are) to talk to others but by the end we had them running so hard to give other people candy, it was awesome. And at one point we got to see a tender moment of two kids bearing their testimony. We thought it would just be a moment of kids going "Want some candy?" to other kids, but it ended up they started talking about the fliers on it and how important it was in their lives. It was really a testimony to me, and I was so happy to experience it.

Norton went to church yesterday, and of course it was about the Law of Chastity, which we hadn't taught him yet. so we were pretty anxious but of course the Lord knows what he's doing, and so the lesson really helped Norton and he seemed to understand. :)

That's all I have for you all now, I'll see you all in a week!! Bye!!

-Elder Farr

(Extra stuff, from Mom's letter)

It was funny, we were going over to teach Lilly her second lesson, and we went over to her massage shop (she owns it) and she told us that we had to wait for her son. So we were sitting talking with Vashti back and forth and then her son finally arrived, and then he sat down and Lilly had to go back to work, so we just taught her son. When we sat down he told us that we needed to only speak English because Lilly doesn't understand English. We were super confused, and then he told us that he had secretly become a Christian and that his mom was strict Buddhist. Then we explained that we had already met with his mom once, and she had accepted our message, taken a copy of the Book of Mormon, and she was like 1/4th of the way through it, which AMAZING for HK people. His jaw dropped when we told him that. He was so confused. Looks like the Lord works in mysterious ways!

Always remember that witness comes after a trial of your faith. we have so many things that increase our faith (General Conference, church, seeing an angel) but like Laman and Lemuel, if you don't strengthen it (by staying faithful, having patience in trials, looking to the Lord) then you'll lose it and murmur so quickly. It's like trying to build a sweet armor on video games. You've gotta enchant it, you gotta gem it, you gotta star it, you have to do all of these things to build it to the best it can be. Just having an empty socketed armor piece won't do you anything.

(Funny Story!)

So Vashti (A girl in our ward who just came back from serving at Temple Square) was talking with us and she'd mentioned how frustrated she was about how her little brother never texts her back because he's always playing League of Legends (if you don't know, this is one of Elder Farr's FAVORITE computer games). As you can imagine, my eyes hit the ground instantly, sort of embarrassed. She then told me she'd break the game if she could. Elder Merrell started laughing and told her that I had played an excessive amount of League of Legends and that I was super good at it. She smiled at me and asked me if I could explain changing from a League of Legends player to a missionary and how that conversion process happened. So she recorded my voice on Sunday, talking about how I decided that League of Legends, although is super fun and that I'd probably still play after my mission, wasn't the most important thing and that it was family that was really important. She was super happy with that, so I 'm glad I was able to help her. :)

Please say prayers for Elder Farr and Elder Merrell's investigators... Norton is scheduled for baptism on April 14th, and Kira is scheduled for the 27th of April!

Yoshi Yu sent these pictures to me...
This is the awesome french toast/ice cream thing they ate this week. YUM!

 Elder Farr with Elder Taylor, these boys went to High School together and now see each other at the Apple Store when it's emailing time. Makes me so happy to see them together. Of course, Chance didn't send this picture, but Elder Taylor's awesome mom sent it to me!

Zone training, my splits partner Elder Love from Beyond 5 
(I didn't get this before, but his splits partner 
(in the middle of the picture) is in a band called Beyond 5.

 Batman exhibit for the new movie coming out. Batman VS Superman!
(Hey Chance, we have Batman VS Superman here too. We want to see pictures of YOU, you DORK!)

1 comment:

  1. That kid! I love the sweet armor analogy! How crazy about the mother/son secret lessons? So check out Elder Gordon Walker's blog.
    He and Ian are in an apt with another elder that all went into the MTC together. Here is something he mentioned about Yoshi this week: "Elder Chen and I were teaching a lesson one night in the park to a less active member with the Elders Quorum president. The lesson went very well and we were staying and chatting with the Elders Quorum president and he called one of the sister missionaries that is serving in Sha Tin fat so that was funny. Then we walked away and a member of the Ma On Shan ward (he fed us the huge Chinese buffet a few months ago) came up to us and I recognized him as Yoshi! He is supper cool we call him the Tolo Fairy because when he is free he just does really nice things to missionaries. So yeah he walked up to us and remembered my name which was super cool and he handed us a huge bag of food and drinks and we asked him how he knew we were there. He said "I saw you in the park teaching a lesson so I ran and bought this stuff and then hid in the shadows and prayed for you until you were done." Literally the coolest thing ever."
    Yoshi for president.
