Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016

Hello everyone! Week 4 (I think?) #HK!

Hello everyone, it's good to send yet another email, the Adventures of Elder Farr (I'm going on an Adventure!!). This week has been a crazy one, so grab your popcorn, grab your soda (or water if you prefer) and sit back and see the crazy that unfolded!)

So Monday right after emailing, Elder Merrell, Elder Ship, Elder Chu, Elder Daplin, Elder Sargent, Elder Jiu and I all went to hike up Lion's Rock. It was a hard hike but it was so worth it for the view (Let me know if you want that picture, it's awesome) and it was great. So apparently just recently someone fell off the cliff and died, so of course we as missionaries were not careful. None of us died which was a relief, but there were some epic pics taken. When we were coming down Elder Wilcoxson was slower and so Elder Chu was waiting for him. Elder Wilcoxson had someone try to lead him the wrong way and promised him that 7 white guys (the rest of us) had gone a different way. But luckily Elder W listened to the spirit. So listen to the spirit everyone! So after that we had a good time shopping and we went to a lesson that fonged our fei gei (Chenglish for "Didn't get on our airplane" or ditched us).  Later that night for whatever reason Elder Merrell was a robot that just had to make cookie dough. So we ate some, that was awesome. Also that day was 3/14 and I bought a pie without realizing it was pi day. Apparently my body knows the math better than I do! ;) It was funny and super coincidental!

So on Tuesday we walked up and met with two guys that were both in caps and one smoking a cigarette. We were talking to them and one showed off his Lionhead Kendama tricks (which was awesome) and then we started teaching them the Plan of Salvation after one told us he wanted to move to Florida and smoke weed (which I don't think is legal there still). We gave a teaser of the Word of Wisdom, and they listened to our message and we are meeting with them Wednesday. So hopefully he will be converted to the gospel, I've got faith that they will both :)

Wednesday we went to do service at what the Elders call the "Banana Farm," which is weird because the dude is not even growing any bananas. He's growing a lot and he believes that he should build a self sustaining farm, and he wants people to join it. Kinda like a combine but not really. It was nice to meet him and he has an adorable little dog, apparently we will do that every week now. It was fun to help him establish the farm and I learned how to grow rice. ;)

We met with Norton and taught the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom. He brought up a question from last week, and asked us about "inducing to the end". Of course Elder Merrell and I were like, "Uh... what??" "Why does it say Inducing to the end? Why do we have to do that?" His English is hilarious. he committed and has been to church 3 weeks in a row now.

Then we ate with Yoshi the next day, and went to ice cream after. Yoshi's was already sorta melted when he got it, and it started to pour out of the cone. Not just drip, but to like pour. So he was eating as fast as he could as it was like literally falling out, taking care of it or at least trying to super hard. Elder Chu was like, "Hey Yoshi, it's dripping on the back." Yoshi thought that was funny. When we asked him if he was okay, he was like, "Mhaih hou ok" or "Not exactly really good" which caused everyone to laugh. (Side note: I ate Honey Melon and Lychee scoops of ice cream. So. Good.) After that we met a kid who literally stopped me and asked us about the church and if we were Christian. He told us he had a lot of interest and told me that my Chinese was pretty bad so we could just speak English. He told us that he wants to meet us and so we were like, "Uh... Okay!!:D" and so that will happen this week!

We got to go SINGING FINDING ON SATURDAY! We stood out on the street with banners and sang our hearts out with the Mandarin Elders and Ma On Shan Elders. Oh my goodness that was fun! We also met someone who was really cool and believes every blessing comes from God. How cool is that! We also met Au yeung who has a thick Guang Dong Province accent but he's cool, he's a mainlander and we gave him the English name Kyle. So we had Paul, Kyle, and Norton at church which is more than Ma On Shan has had in a long time at church simultaneously. So overall the work is going well and the Lord is blessing us a ton. It's been so much fun to be around here and to experience so much! I'm sure I'll have many an adventure to share with all of you next week. Oh, I almost forgot! Today we met with Lee si fu who taught us Kung fu. He's super cool and has a diamond knuckle, he hit it against metal and stuff until it was rock hard. It hurts to be tapped on the head with. He also is an expert in literally every Kung fu style, and teaches those he selects to be his students for free. It's pretty sweet.

That's all I have for you, Hah go sin keih gin! (See ya next week!)

-Elder Farr

Ice Cream Time! (This picture was from Yoshi!)

I got this one thanks to Elder Taylor's Mom! :)

Kung fu with Lee si fu. Chance says he's awesome.

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