Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 3, 2016

Week 6 (I think? It's all one eternal day it feels like.)

Man has this week been a huge one! So many gospel insights to share, so many things that are good, I am only hoping I can remember to include all of them.

Okay so I'll start by talking about Elder Young. Elder Young is one of the strongest, smartest and funniest people I've ever met. He's from Ohio, and therefore he likes 21 Pilots (hehe) So we used to rap them together all the time (Yeah Payton, we rapped it all!) and afterwards would share a gospel insight we learned. He's got a girl at home and he's trying to convert her xD Super funny. I hope it works out for him but if it doesn't I'm sure the Lord has someone even better for him. He left Monday at 3am for Thailand, along with every person we met on like the first day here, because they were the only people in our zone when we showed up. Between Elder Torres and Elder Young it was such a good time to see them both and converse back and forth with them. Elder Torres had this prank that he loved (He got in trouble so don't follow his footsteps). Whenever he'd host he'd take a handful of spoons from the lunch room, hide them, and when he was alone with the luggage of the new Elders he'd slip spoons into their luggage! He was such a funny guy, and his sense of humor and his style reminded me a lot of Justin. I'm sure he'll do so well in Thailand, and I'm psyched for him to email me :) It's been a crazy week.

We got to sing Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer this week in choir, and it was an absolute blast. That song felt so good to sing (Especially because tenors got to belt a High F, that's always fun!) The song was so amazing because the build up of the chord on that High F was intentionally creating tension, coming from a dry soul that needed comfort. Brother Eggett told us that when he hears that note, it makes him think of us on a boat about to get hit by a tsunami, but then the Savior stands up and pushes against the tsunami, taking the wave for us, and pushing us under his wings. It's amazing and I'm so happy we sang that song.

Hah go sin keih gin!

--Elder Farr

--The language is great, I have a hard time praying in English now (Because I SYL (Speak Your Language) during all prayers) but that's all good, I'd prefer to just speak Cantonese all day if I could, which in like 20 days I will have that opportunity (19 now!)

Funny story, although I didn't really 'get' it...
--Yesterday Elder C (?) walked up to me and asked me, "So, do you think somebody called 911...?" After he saw the "What?" look on my face he was like, "Because that song is 11 years old. Shawty was burning on the dance floor? did anyone call 911?" I laughed so hard, he's such a funny guy.

This is us with Si hing daaih. Saturday was his last day at the MTC teaching us. We are SO SAD about it but he's such an amazing man, I'm sure he will succeed in whatever he does. He's such a funny character, he's a sarcastic kind of guy and we love him to death. On his last day he told us all about his time in HK and all of the amazing things that happened while he was there. He also compared us to bamboo, which I'll share that message:
"Did you know that bamboo literally takes 5 years to sprout? Everyone knows bamboo grows fast but when you start it, it takes 5 YEARS to shoot. It grows its roots down and down and down as far as it can, so that when it sprouts, it shoots up in a month to 15-20 feet. We are working to become tall and strong, but right now we are growing our roots."
This was a very hard day in the MTC personally, because Si hing daai (Or Brother Smith in English I guess) he's such a kind soul and I can't help but miss him. He was full of what we always joked was "Asian Wisdom"(he's half Korean, half American. His first language is Korean, second English, third Cantonese, and fourth Mandarin. He's teaching his third language in his second! Woah! :D) and everyone in our district misses him.

This was just a good view of Provo from the temple. I just thought to take a picture.

This is my district. Yes, we like bubbles.

This is an awesome picture Elder Chin took. On the right is Brother and Sister Averett (Brother Averett is the 2nd counselor in the new Branch Presidency) and they're super nice. We love Brother Averett, he's a kind soul and he just wants to talk and is so excited to have another language here :)

This is gonna be a long explanation. From left to right: President Penrod (Our old branch president), Elder Fomsopha, Elder Harding, Elder Chin, Elder Bouwmeister, Sister Hansen, Elder Caloobanan, Elder Vang in the back, Sister Strickland, Elder Hagen, Elder Vo (in the back), Elder Young (looks just like me, right? Likes 21 Pilots too xD He's the coolest and I miss him) Sister Bates (my violin duet partner) Sister Faa (I can't remember how her full name is spelled. Faakaoselia?) Sister Gomez, Sister Gallahad and Sister Hall.
Most of the ones in this picture have just left the MTC and we miss them (Elder Young :'( ) but I'm sure they are doing awesome. Glad we got this picture because we needed it!

This is the temple walk we took on Sunday. On the left is Elder White, then Sister Gomez, then a tiny Elder Chin in the back, then Elder Rushton, then Sister Hansen, then Elder Caloobanan (The peace sign Asian), then me, then Elder Hagen and Elder Harding. Elder White is my other best friend here (He's so funny, he reminds me of Porter in some ways (Course he can't replace Porter tho.)) It was such a fun walk because I've found out that I can literally pull a chord from any note, and I can find a note based on any note. So we were singing at the temple and I got to sing tenor/alto for every song we sang. It was amazing. I love singing haha!
This trip was so much fun and we got to walk up with Brother Averett.

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