Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 13, 2016

Hello everyone! Week four!

Hi everyone,

If you haven't noticed my P-day changed to Wednesday, sorry about that! :) I'm sure that didn't make much of a difference for everyone else, but it definitely did for me. Life is crazy here at the MTC, and man am I ready to be in the field (Actually not at all, this language is hard!)

I still have so much to learn here. I was called as the district leader in my new branch, so I guess I leave one calling and get 2 more harder ones, right? (Note from mom: He was called to be the music specialist just before they changed branches, I think the 2 callings are singing with the choir he talked about last week plus this new calling.) I'm excited to be the district leader, though. I feel like I was called for a reason and I'm excited to try to work on all of that. Singing for General Authorities was great, although I got a serious nosebleed and couldn't perform on Tuesday, I was able to perform today and we sounded lovely! It was a great time and a special experience for me. I'll have pictures to do with that later, if you want pictures from my mission email me, I don't think I'll send them all as a part of these emails. (Note from mom: any pictures I get I'll share with you right here!) Elder Andersen spoke last night at the devotional and one thing impressed me, "Always have Christ's name on your lips." Wow. what a powerful message. some of us missionaries forget that sometimes, like the near-fight in our last dorm room. With certain things taking away the spirit, we have to remember to always have good on our lips, and never evil. Language is good. I feel the spirit strongly and I feel as if I can understand much more than I ever would without the spirit. We moved dorms because they're renovating the other ones, and thank heavens for that. Because we had some other missionaries that wouldn't listen to any of the rules.

That's all for me, Ga yauh! Email me :)

--Elder Chance Farr
The District at the temple! 
Elders Chin, Farr, Harding, Caloobanan, Hague and Sisters Gomez and Hansen

 Elder Harding, "Doing his thing"

The View at the Temple

"Here's what Elder Chin drew for me, It's Link as a missionary!! How awesome is that!? and it's also me at the same time :) Elder Chin is so awesome! I wanna be like him someday."

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