Hey everyone! Nice to send out another email to all you lovely people. Hopefully life is going well and I hope you're all happy and successful. Today's a bit shorter one because I got out of hand emailing my Mum (Blame me if you like, I've been a Mother's Boy since I was born) (and for my part... sorry!) ;) And right out of the gates I realized I didn't tell the mold story and I got some emails reminding me of that. Whooops. Anyway the attack of the mold story is that everything molds here. Clothes, couches, suit pants especially. So I woke up on Sunday morning all thinking that I could just put on my suit pants but it just so happens they were covered in mold. So I washed them out with Clorox wipes and it's working out pretty well, we dropped a dehumidifier in our closets after that. Also our couch gets eaten sometimes Ewww.
So this week we had a lot of good things happen, and our friend whose parents live in Venezuela (Angelo if you remember) helps us literally any time we need so we decided to give back by buying the stuff to make taco salads and we ate taco salad together. It was an awesome trip, and the taco salads were delicious. He's the funniest guy, he's super awesome, my mom has pictures :P Maybe I'll upload a picture here haha!
We were able to work really hard with Norton, he's still trying to apply the scriptures to himself and I can feel his faith building. Man it's such a blessing to teach him!
Also I got to eat a baby squid that was just all of it's stuff just right there. It was yummy.
See ya!
--Elder Farr
Just pictures of my new hair. Nothing Special.
(Although, it is kinda special: I told him I loved it and he says, "I love it, and people are pretty jealous that I could actually speak fluently enough to get it cut a way I wanted it XD" )
Here's our District before Transfers. Long time coming but here that is :P
(I think the 'grumpy cat' face is because he didn't want to be parted from his trainer, Elder Merrell!)
Alright everyone, I finally got a picture of Norton on my hands. This was the surprise birthday cake he bought for me that we ate up at his apartment, and it was seriously one of the best times we've ever had!! Oh my goodness that cake was super good. We're also drinking some super weird Chinese Medicine Herbal Tea (It keeps the spleen from being wet. I have no idea how that helps me but it tastes ok!) and he's super awesome. He's our rockstar right now! And also he is one of the funniest dudes on the planet.
These are both shots out our window. It reminded me of Diablo 3 :) :)
This is Taco Salad Wednesday with Angelo. Man that was a fun trip, he's such a cool dude. He helps us with basically any lesson we want so we decided we wanted to give back. Also he's super Wat Gei (overpowered) in Dragon's Nest so we are gonna play post mission :P
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